Essential Components of MTSS

Team Based Leadership

Collaborative teams who use an inquiry process to identify challenges, come up with strategies to address those challenges, and use data to monitor progress along the way are essential to improving outcomes for all students.

Evidence-Based Instruction

MTSS comes into direct contact with student learning by using a systematic approach to improving core instruction and building consistency between classrooms. Collaborative teams deliberately select specific evidence-based strategies targeted for improvement. Implementation is monitored through data collection to identify areas of instructional strength and improvement. 

Evidence-based instruction also includes the utilization of high quality instructional materials.
To find out more on HQIM, please visit the Ohio Materials Matter website.

Proactive Continuum of Supports

An MTSS framework addressed the unique needs of each child through collaboration and a proactive continuum of support for all students across all domains (academic and non-academic).

Multi-level Instruction 

Tier I: Core curriculum, research-based curriculum materials, articulation of teaching and learning, differentiated instruction, standards-based curriculum has stretch for those exceeding benchmark

Tier II: Evidence-based intervention, complements the core instruction, taught by well-trained staff with fidelity in addition to Tier I

Tier III: Interventions are based on student need and has a relationship to Tier 1, taught by well-trained staff

Improvement Cycle for Data-Based Decision Making
(Click the image to be taken to our page on the Ohio Improvement Process)

Comprehensive Assessment System

A robust and quality assessment system aligned to the continuum of supports allows teams to engage in data-based decision making and ensure positive academic and non-academic outcomes for ALL students. 

Contact Information

 Ashley Girt
440-350-2563 ext. 1142
Tara Reed 
440-350-2563 ext. 1141

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