
As the Literacy Team of SST4, our plan is to support the districts in Lake and Geauga Counties as they work to improve the literacy achievement of ALL children. 

One goal is coaching adults to improve teaching so that all students reach their potential as successful readers. We provide professional development opportunities on the latest literacy information and evidence-based practices, sharpening all educators' abilities in explicit instruction, diagnosing student struggles and in providing intervention.

We also provide support via programs and events highlighting the importance of both family engagement and the community's role in building reading readiness.

The National Reading Panel purports that for children to be good readers, they must have explicit instruction in each of these five areas of reading: 

  • phonological awareness - the ability to manipulate the sounds that make up spoken language;
  • phonics - the understanding of relationships between letters and sounds;
  • vocabulary - the knowledge of words and word meanings;
  • fluency - the ability to read with accuracy, speed, and expression;
  • comprehension - the understanding and enjoyment of what is read.

The Simple View of Reading

Have you heard of the Simple View of Reading? 
Would you like to know more? 
Check out the following 4 minute video...


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The content of this website is for your general information and use only. Information is subject to change without notice. This site contains numerous links to reference materials of interest to parents and educators. Opinions expressed in any articles or web pages do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the State Support Team Region 4, its fiscal agent, or the Ohio Department of Education and the inclusion of resources should not be construed or interpreted as an endorsement. When entering a linked site, please note that the State Support Team Region 4 has no control over the content, including personal information that may be shared while visiting. As always, exercise caution and review the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Contact Information

Jennifer Kuhn
Early Literacy Specialist
440-350-2563 ext. 1758

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