Click to learn more about the Future Forward Ohio guiding principles, priorities, and strategies.
SST4 is using a systems-focused approach to support districts with professional development (PD) and technical assistance (TA). Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) include Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instructional (DI) practices utilizing the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP). We tier our PD and TA supports so that those districts with the greatest identified need receive the broadest access.
The DLT, BLT, TBT Connection
• Collaborative team structures that support a culture of inquiry
• Use of data and intentional decision making
• Alignment of work to the district's goals and strategies
• Shared leadership: supporting ongoing two-way communication and engagement
• Job embedded professional development (HQPD)