Data for Improvement

Collecting and analyzing student outcome data is essential to school improvement. The Department of Education and Workforce has provided a number of data sources for schools and districts. Below you will find a list to get you started in your data journey!

1. Report Portal - Contains dashboards for public schools data, nonpublic schools data, and financial data for districts and schools.

2. State Report Cards - Provides stakeholders information about the performance of districts and schools specific to the following areas: achievement, progress, gap closing, early literacy, graduation.

3. Student Recovery Dashboards - The dashboard captures key indicators such as enrollment, graduation, K-3 on track diagnostic trends, chronic absenteeism and proficiency scores.

4. Identification Dashboard - Allows for a statewide comparison of traditional and community schools and displays detailed data related to identification criteria and cut points. The dashboard provides several different views of the data, including by region, trend analyses, and exit status for federal identification purposes.
Identification Dashboard Guidebook

5. Secure Data Center - Access to reports are through OH ID and are based on individual OEDS roles. Reports include attendance, graduation, K-3 literacy, report card, and career technical education data. For the complete list of reports please visit the DEW Secure Data website

6. Special Education Profiles (SPP) - Annual reports that display longitudinal data on key indicators for students with disabilities. 

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The content of this website is for your general information and use only. Information is subject to change without notice. This site contains numerous links to reference materials of interest to parents and educators. Opinions expressed in any articles or web pages do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the State Support Team Region 4, its fiscal agent, or the Ohio Department of Education and the inclusion of resources should not be construed or interpreted as an endorsement. When entering a linked site, please note that the State Support Team Region 4 has no control over the content, including personal information that may be shared while visiting. As always, exercise caution and review the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.


Contact Information

Liesl Blackwell 
440-350-2563 ext. 1757
Ashley Girt
440-350-2563 ext. 1142

Dr. Tara Reed
440-350-2563 ext. 1141

Centralized Reporting System (CRS)

(Click the above photo to go to the testing portal)

Assessment Authoring

(Click the above photo to go to the testing portal)

Value Added

(Click the above photo to go to the login page)
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