• What is ED STEPS?
    ED STEPS will enable districts to develop one comprehensive plan for student growth and leverage all its federal and other resources in creating programs based on available funding to better serve students and communities. This will make it easier for districts and schools to coordinate administrative planning with program planning and implementation.

ED STEPS Planning Cycle

As part of the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s ED STEPS process, organizations within Ohio are assigned to one of three cohorts. In each year, the organizations that are part of that cohort will begin three-year planning. This will include identifying needs in a three-year format and writing three-year plans.  For more information please check out our pages below. 

What is the One Needs Assessment?
The One Needs Assessment is a tool designed to allow districts (including community schools) and schools to identify all their needs in single location to drive impactful planning and funding applications. Starting in January 2021, the CCIP Needs Assessment is no longer available. All districts and schools are to use the One Needs Assessment.  

Conducting a Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis Information Sheet & Resources 

Using The 5 Whys to Complete a Root Cause Analysis

Liesl Blackwell
440-350-2563 ext. 1757
Ashley Girt
440-350-2563 ext. 1142
Dr. Tara Reed
440-350-2563 ext. 1141

**If you would like support to complete your One Needs Assessment and Root Cause Analysis, please contact your SST4 School Improvement Consultant.**

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